The Gift of Caring:A Servant’s Heart

The Gift of Caring: A Servant’s Heart

“The Motivation of a Missionary is found in one’s Spiritual Gifts, the tools given to build God’s Kingdom.”

~ Candice, Memoirs of a Missionary


“The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands.” ~ Acts 17:24

I believe my passion for serving and encouraging others is my gift from God. God created me to serve others which is why I am a healthcare professional. I desire to share that gift not just locally with those near me, but with those abroad. Story after story of nations in trouble, without proper healthcare resources break my heart.

“God doesn’t call us to save the world, not even one person, Jesus does that. He calls us to love with abandon.”

~ Katie Davis, Missionary


My prayer is that I can have a greater impact on improving the life of just one person, or people group with a healthcare disparity and meet a need in some way. I believe caring is a calling; “from everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” Luke 12:48. He entrusted me with the ability to “give life” to people not just medically, but also spiritually, through caring. For me to not use my gifts  for His glory will be dishonoring my Creator.

“When you meet one’s physical needs, God opens the door to meet their spiritual needs as well”

~ Kelly Green Global Missions


Avodat Elohim

In His Will,
